Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chapter 3: Foundations of Human Activity--Religion--

As religions penetrate deeply into American society and individuals, Hawaii’s religious heritage is also diverse. There are a number of religions that people in Hawaii practice. Most of Hawaii residents are Christian. Their churches are comprised of Church of Christ, Roman Catholic, Assembly of God, Church of Latter Day Saints, and Jehovah Witnesses. Some believe in Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism as well. Some native Hawaiians also worship ancient Hawaiian Gods, such as Kane, Kapua, Ki’i, Lono, Ku, Kanaloa, and so forth.

Kane: Hawaiian God of the forests and tress.

Kapua: The divine tricksters or mischief-makers of Hawaii.

Ki’i: Hawaiian creator God or first created man.

Lono: God of agriculture and fertility.

Ku: God of war

Kanaloa: God of the ocean

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