Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chapter 8: Appalachia and The Ozarks --Mineral--

The value of Hawaii's nonfuel mineral production in 2001 was estimated to be $70 million, a 24% decrease from 2000. Crushed stone, construction sand and gravel, and portland cement were the principal mineral commodities produced, with values of $51.9 million, $6.97 million, and $10.2 million, respectively. Small amounts of masonry cement ($600,000) and gemstone production were also reported. The overall decrease in value in 2001 was mostly related to decreases in the values of portland cement and crushed stone. Portland cement production has declined since the record high of 522,000 metric tons in 1992, valued at $54 million.

Mineral production in Hawaii is mainly for local construction usage. The rapid growth in construction throughout the state slowed somewhat in 1991, but government policy aimed at expanding the housing industry and at raising public construction levels offset the anticipated drop in private construction, resulting in a modest increase in mineral production. However, production of crushed stone and portland cement are now only about half the size they were in 1992.

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